Needing rest isn’t something we talk about a lot. In our work-driven culture, we pursue productivity, and amidst the intense work during terms we can forget about everything else. In some ways there’s a sense of virtue in being so overwhelmingly busy. A satisfaction in the restless seeking, searching and grappling of our souls. But I wonder if you’ve ever taken a step back and wondered: why am I working so hard? when will I find rest?

I’ve been experiencing a lot of burnout recently. Even as I write this, I struggle to find the motivation to do work and to uphold the commitments I’ve made. I feel as though I’ve given and given and I have nothing more to give. I’m exhausted and I need rest. And it’s not physical rest that I need, but spiritual rest. I can take a day off or a week off, but that doesn’t free me from these responsibilities. I think many of us have had similar experiences: finding it hard to finish tasks or being constantly tired or unable to keep up with friends and social events. What I need, and maybe what you need as well, is to have these pressures lifted from us.
You might think that’s a nice thing to dream about, but that in reality it’s not possible. After all, who’s going to write your essay or complete your problem set for you? But let me tell you this: it’s very much possible and it’s even better than what you could dream of. God, the creator of the universe, takes these burdens from us. He promises us complete assurance that the things we worry about are in His hands, and in His hands they are safe and secure and we don’t need to worry about them anymore. God calls Himself my Father, and your Father, and just like any parent loves and cares for their children, he loves and cares for you. He wants you to find rest in Him.
This doesn’t mean that all our problems will disappear overnight. But when we entrust things into God’s hands, we can be sure that he will be working in them, and that he will be faithful. He gives us strength and He loves to renew us, filling us up so that when we give, it’s not our energy we’re drawing from, but God’s. And He never tires. God delights when we choose to find rest in Him. We’ve tried so many different ways, and none of them can bring us true rest. But when we go to God, and we pour out our troubles, He says “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). And in those 8 short words, God promises that He is present, He is sovereign and He is faithful. We don’t even have to do anything, only be still and trust in Him.
It can be difficult to believe such a wild claim, but you don’t just have to take my word for it. Come and experience it for yourself! I promise you that wherever you are and whatever situation you’re in, God is listening and He cares so much about you. Tell Him that you need Him, and let your soul find rest in Him. I can’t wait to see how God blesses you. And you don’t have to journey alone; get in touch and we’d love to explore this more with you and share different experiences!