Hi all! We hope you're excited for the year ahead, and we're especially excited for the incoming freshers! We'd like to introduce to you the newest members of the i-Team:
James Wakefield (International Secretary)

Hi, I'm James, the International Secretary! Welcome to Oxford, whether you're a fresher or returning for another whiz of a term! Having just typed that I am in 3rd year, I can't help but comment how quickly your time at Oxford will fly past! Make the most of every week and every day! Take some time to do things that really will last: make fun memories and build friendships. And why not use this time surrounded by many other great thinkers to consider some of life's biggest questions, the questions of eternal importance, of the meaning of life and purpose of our existence. Cafe 360 is a place where you can do all of these things: make fun memories, build good friendships, and also discuss some of life's big questions. Why not come along and join us one Friday!?
Lucy Miller (iRep)

Hi, I'm Lucy! I was so excited about coming to Oxford, and I was hit hard in my first term by a mixture of the workload, making new friends in a new environment, imposter syndrome, learning to shop and cook for myself, deep questions about faith... you can fill in the blanks, I don't think I was or will be the only one. Oxford is great, but it is a culture shock, even for domestic students. It can be really rough. Two years on, there are some things I still struggle with - my friends will tell you that cooking will never be an area I excel in, and that fire alarms, burned pans and smashed jars make that clear pretty regularly. There are so many things which did help me to adjust to Oxford, though. My tutor and friends helped me with my workload. Ask them for advice! I found community in my college, in things like OICCU and my church, in my coursemates. Check things like this out! Both of these things gave me the headspace and the opportunity to think through deeper questions about the purpose of being about Oxford, how to cope when everything gets too much, what gives me value not just as a student but as a person. Think about it! Oxford is great, I hope you'll love it - and I can't wait to meet you.
Jessica Chan (iRep)

Hi there! I'm Jessica! I'm going into my third year and I'm doing Engineering at Lady Margaret Hall. I'm from Singapore, but I have also lived in Hong Kong and Japan before. I love to ski, play video games and to hang out with my friends! But most importantly, I'm God's beloved Child which I am so thankful for and this fact has helped me a lot during my years in Oxford. No matter who you are, you are very much welcome to Oxford International Hub and all our events, especially Café 360 which happens every week where you can meet new friends and have deep conversations about life. University is the perfect place to socialize and also explore more about the meaning of life. I'm very excited to meet all of you who come, regardless if you're a fresher or about to graduate! Congrats on getting into Oxford if you are an incoming fresher! It might seem intimidating but Oxford is such a fulfilling time! I've really enjoyed my time in Oxford and I am sure you will too! Feel free to contact us and we will be so happy to chat and meet up!
Benjamin Mathole (iRep)

Hi! I’m Benjamin (but call me Benjy, I just find it weird introducing myself as Benjy first!), I’m going into my 2nd year studying chemistry at St Catz college, and I’m so excited to be serving you as an iRep this year! I’m a British student, but I can’t wait to meet loads of new people from all different places, and I absolutely love chatting about almost anything, especially with people whose experiences are different to mine! One thing I found really encouraging in my first year was seeing God’s love for all people of all nations in the way both my church and the OICCU community have welcomed and loved international students as much as domestic ones, it really showed me what God’s family is like, and I’m excited to see it grow this year too! A couple of things about me, I love running and baking (although I wish I had more time to do it at Oxford), and if you happen to enjoy Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or Nintendo games, we’re going to get along well! I’m always happy to chat, about Oxford, chemistry or anything else, so drop me an email at benjamin.mathole@stcatz.ox.ac.uk if you want to!
Abel Johan (iRep)

Hi! My name is Abel, and I'm going into my second year studying Engineering at Trinity College. I'm from Indonesia, and I've also lived in Singapore for 4.5 years before coming to Oxford. If you're an incoming fresher, congrats on the offer and welcome to Oxford! The first few weeks might seem daunting, especially if you come from halfway across the globe like me, but even for most domestic students it'll be their first time living away from family; not to mention everyone here is very friendly and willing to strike up a conversation. I'm so excited to meet all of you and see what God has in store for you! Feel free to hop by our regular nesting grounds every Friday evening at the Formosan Tea Bar (as an Asian, bubble tea will always be something I highly vouch for).